Friday, September 25, 2020

Week of Oct. 5 - 9

Helpful Highlights

ENJOY YOUR FALL BREAK Sept. 28th - Oct. 2!!!  We look forward to seeing you back on Monday, October 5th!

Our first at-home book report assignment came home on 9/8 in blue folders.  Students had the opportunity to select a book in the Reading Room.  They will read the book for homework, create and turn in a Pumpkin Planning outline, and ultimately decorate and fill a paper pumpkin with different elements from their book. Once turned in, all reports will be displayed in our “pumpkin patch” for others to observe and enjoy!  Assistance may be provided, but please ensure that your child is completing his/her own report. You will find instructions and a calendar in the packet that was sent home on 9/8.  Book reports are due on October 20th

We have now passed the sixth week mark of school and it is amazing to see how the students have already grown! Students have been working hard in English and have learned what makes up a sentence (subject/action), types of sentences, capital letters, and punctuation. As we seek accountability, points will be taken off for answers not written in complete sentences if asked to do so. Two points will be taken off if not in a complete thought and one point will be taken off for a missing capital letter and/or punctuation, with no more than five points taken off total.

At-Home Strategies:
1.) Make the child find the mistake. 

Try: “I noticed a capitalization mistake on the front page. Let’s see if you can find it.”

2.) Be the model. Answer questions in a complete thought. 

Try: “What would you like for dinner? “I would like spaghetti for dinner.” 

3.) Point out sentence structure in context of nightly reading. 

Try: “Who/what is the subject in the last sentence you just read?” 
Try: “Winnie the Pooh asked Piglet a question. I noticed that sentence ends with a question mark.”

Questions to ask at home:
Who/what is the sentence about? Who/what is your subject?
What did the subject do? What is the action?
What does every sentence begin with?
What goes at the end of every sentence? 

At-home access for Raz Kids has been sent home, via email.  This is a great resource to practice on at home, and students have access in the classroom using their Chromebooks!  Starting in 2nd Grade, no formal assignments are required.  We only use RAZ as an assessment for Reading Levels; but, Raz Kids has a great comprehension component; so, we definitely encourage you to use it as a resource at home.  Reading and answering the comprehension questions would be beneficial to your child!  REMEMBER:  You can access this, along with all student websites at the top of this page….just click on the “Student Bookmarks” tab! 

Loving Learning

Right now, we are loving learning about:

Bible - We continue our study of the Life of Moses.  Our stories this week include:  God’s Special Purposes for Us, The Baby in the River, and God’s Plan for Moses.

Phonics / Spelling 

Spelling Focus:  Sound of long /a/ sound spelled ei,eigh, ea


Grammar / Creative Writing -  We wrap up our Creative Writing Unit on Personal Stories.  In the Writing Process this week students will Revise, Proofread, and Publish their stories!

Reading - We begin our second unit of Foundations & Frameworks.

Comprehension Focus:  Retelling  

  • Pattern Statement:  Oral restating requires organizing one’s thoughts.

  • Visual Tool:  Flow Chart

  • SPECS Logs: Reader’s Response, Visual Tool, Reflection (Today, I learned…..)

  • Vocabulary:  grooming, collide, soggy, tumbleweeds, canyon, souvenir, drooling, wick, whitecaps, muskrat

Math - We continue Unit 2.  We will be exploring Tools that help us Add (ex:  dominoes and geoboard shapes), writing number models to express even and odd numbers as sums, and playing the Exchange Game (identifying equal amounts of money).

Science - We wrap up Unit 2:  Habitats - Tropical Rain Forest, Arctic (Polar Region), Desert, Evergreen Forest, Freshwater Region, and Wetland.  We will discuss “Biome vs. Habitat,” and “Food Chain vs. Food Pyramid.”  A study guide will come home on Thursday (10/8) and the Chapter Test will be on Tuesday (10/13).

Save the Date

October 20 - Pumpkin Book Report Due


Friday, September 18, 2020

Week of Sept. 21 - 25

File:Pumpkin.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
Helpful Highlights

Our first at-home book report assignment came home last week in blue folders.  Students had the opportunity to select a book in the Reading Room.  They will read the book for homework, create and turn in a Pumpkin Planning outline, and ultimately decorate and fill a paper pumpkin with different elements from their book. Once turned in, all reports will be displayed in our “pumpkin patch” for others to observe and enjoy!  Assistance may be provided, but please ensure that your child is completing his/her own report. You will find instructions and a calendar in the packet that was sent home on 9/8.  Book reports are due on October 20th

File:Atlanta Botanical Garden Orchid.JPG - Wikimedia CommonsPLANTING in the STEAM GARDEN
On Friday, 2nd Grade had the wonderful opportunity to plant in the STEAM Garden.  We began the year studying about plants; so, this was a great way to "dig deeper" into the curriculum!  Students experienced the planting process, by preparing the soil with kid-friendly tools and sowing the seeds.  Our Biblical integration included the comparison of how we have to pull the weeds out of our garden before anything will grow, just like God has to pull the weeds (sin) out of our lives so we can be fruitful for Him! 

Smile big for picture day on Wednesday, September 23! Order forms were sent home in Friday Folders.  Each class will go at a designated time. A receipt OR order form MUST be handed to the photographer if you wish to purchase. If you are pre-ordering online, print your receipt from the confirmation page or from your email. Have your child bring the receipt or order form to picture day. A printed receipt or order form for each child is required for your packages to be processed correctly. If Legacy does not receive your receipt/order form at the time the picture is taken, your order will not be processed. 

We have now passed the sixth week mark of school and it is amazing to see how the students have already grown! Students have been working hard in English and have learned what makes up a sentence (subject/action), types of sentences, capital letters, and punctuation. As we seek accountability, points will be taken off for answers not written in complete sentences if asked to do so. Two points will be taken off if not in a complete thought and one point will be taken off for a missing capital letter and/or punctuation, with no more than five points taken off total.

At-Home Strategies:
1.) Make the child find the mistake. 

Try: “I noticed a capitalization mistake on the front page. Let’s see if you can find it.”

2.) Be the model. Answer questions in a complete thought. 

Try: “What would you like for dinner? “I would like spaghetti for dinner.” 

3.) Point out sentence structure in context of nightly reading. 

Try: “Who/what is the subject in the last sentence you just read?” 
Try: “Winnie the Pooh asked Piglet a question. I noticed that sentence ends with a question mark.”

Questions to ask at home:
Who/what is the sentence about? Who/what is your subject?
What did the subject do? What is the action?
What does every sentence begin with?
What goes at the end of every sentence? 

At-home access for Raz Kids has been sent home, via email.  This is a great resource to practice on at home, and students have access in the classroom using their Chromebooks!  Starting in 2nd Grade, no formal assignments are required.  We only use RAZ as an assessment for Reading Levels; but, Raz Kids has a great comprehension component; so, we definitely encourage you to use it as a resource at home.  Reading and answering the comprehension questions would be beneficial to your child!  REMEMBER:  You can access this, along with all student websites at the top of this page….just click on the “Student Bookmarks” tab! 

Loving Learning

Right now, we are loving learning about:

Bible - We begin our study of the Life of Moses.  Our stories this week include:  Israelites bondage in Egypt, Waiting on God’s Promises, and God’s Plan for His People. 

Phonics / Spelling 
Spelling Focus:  Sound of long /a/:   a & a_e  

Grammar / Creative Writing -  We will continue our creative writing unit - Personal Stories.  Students will learn the 5 stages of the Writing Process:  Planning, Drafting, Revising, Proofreading, Publishing.  This week, students will work on the Planning and Drafting Stages of their stories.

Reading - We wrap up our first unit of Foundations & Frameworks.  A review packet will come home on Monday and the Performance Task (test) is on Thursday.
  • Comprehension Focus:  Sequence of Events 
  • Pattern Statement:  There is an order to how things happen; but, not everything that happens is important. 
  • Visual Tool:  Flow Chart
  • SPECS Logs: Reader’s Response, Visual Tool, Reflection (Today, I learned…..)
  • Vocabulary:  nibble, cluck, scold, invent, boxcar, telegraph, patrol, clammy, clumsy, cranky

Math - We continue Unit 2.  We will be learning the Near Doubles Strategy and the Turn Around Rule for Addition and Subtraction.

Science - We continue Unit 2:  Habitats - Tropical Rain Forest, Arctic (Polar Region), Desert, Evergreen Forest, Freshwater Region, and Wetland.  Students will also learn the word, biome. 

Save the Date

September 23 -
School Pictures

September 28 - Oct. 2 - Fall Break!!!

October 6 - Planning Page for the Pumpkin Book Report Due

October 20 - Pumpkin Book Report Due

Friday, September 11, 2020

Week of Sept. 14 - 18

                                                                   Helpful Highlights


Our first at-home book report assignment came home in blue folders on 9/8! Students will have the opportunity to select a book from the Reading Room; however, they are welcome to choose a book elsewhere (home, public library, etc.) They will read the book for homework, create and turn in a Pumpkin Planning outline, and ultimately decorate and fill a paper pumpkin with different elements from their book. Once turned in, all reports will be displayed in our “pumpkin patch” for others to observe and enjoy! Assistance may be provided, but please ensure that your child is completing his/her own report. You will find instructions and a calendar in your child’s blue folder on 9/8.  Book reports are due on October 20th. 


We are turning the corner into the 6th week of school and it is amazing to see how the students have already grown! Students have been working hard in English and have learned what makes up a sentence (subject/action), types of sentences, capital letters, and punctuation. As we seek accountability, points will be taken off for answers not written in complete sentences if asked to do so. Two points will be taken off if not in a complete thought and one point will be taken off for a missing capital letter and/or punctuation, with no more than five points taken off total.

At-Home Strategies:

1.) Make the child find the mistake. 

Try: “I noticed a capitalization mistake on the front page. Let’s see if you can

                  find it.”

2.) Be the model. Answer questions in a complete thought. 

Try: “What would you like for dinner?”

      “I would like spaghetti for dinner.” 

3.) Point out sentence structure in context of nightly reading. 

Try: “Who/what is the subject in the last sentence you just read?” 

Try: “Winnie the Pooh asked Piglet a question. I noticed that sentence ends 

                  with a question mark.”

Questions to ask at home:

  • Who/what is the sentence about? Who/what is your subject?

  • What did the subject do? What is the action?

  • What does every sentence begin with?

  • What goes at the end of every sentence? 


International Dot Day on Tues., Sept. 15th.  This special day is based on the book The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds. It is a day to celebrate creativity, courage and collaboration! We will celebrate “All things Dots” by drawing dots, wearing dots, eating dots, learning about dots and creating dots that make a mark on the world around us!


Smile big for picture day on Wednesday, September 23! Order forms will be sent home in Friday Folders.  Each class will go at a designated time. A receipt OR order form MUST be handed to the photographer if you wish to purchase. If you are pre-ordering online, print your receipt from the confirmation page or from your email. Have your child bring the receipt or order form to picture day. A printed receipt or order form for each child is required for your packages to be processed correctly. If Legacy does not receive your receipt/order form at the time the picture is taken, your order will not be processed. 


At-home access for Raz Kids has been sent home via email. This is a great resource to practice on at home, and students have access in the classroom using their Chromebooks!  Starting in 2nd Grade, no formal assignments are required.  We only use RAZ as an assessment for Reading Levels; but, Raz Kids has a great comprehension component; so, we definitely encourage you to use it as a resource at home.  Reading and answering the comprehension questions would be beneficial to your child!  REMEMBER:  You can access this, along with all student websites at the top of this page….just click on the “Student Bookmarks” tab! 

Loving Learning

Right now, we are loving learning about:

Bible - The first sin and God’s Promise of a Savior!  

Phonics / Spelling 

Spelling Focus:  Sound of long /a/ spelled ai and ay  

Examples:  praise and pray

Grammar / Creative Writing -  We will begin our first creative writing unit - we will be writing Personal Stories.  Students will learn the 5 stages of the Writing Process:  Planning, Drafting, Revising, Proofreading, Publishing.  This week, students will learn the parts of a paragraph, and begin the Planning Stage of their stories.

Reading - We continue our first unit of Foundations & Frameworks.

  • Comprehension Focus:  Sequence of Events

  • Pattern Statement:  there is an order to how things happen; but, not everything that happens is important.

  • Visual Tool:  Flow Chart

  • SPECS Logs: Reader’s Response, Visual Tool, Reflection (Today, I learned…..)

  • Vocabulary:  nibble, cluck, scold, invent, boxcar, telegraph, patrol, clammy, clumsy, cranky

Math - We begin Unit 2 by reviewing addition facts.  We will be grouping by ten, identifying doubles, using the make a ten strategy, and practicing number stories.

Science - We continue Unit 2 with learning about Animal Habitats - Tropical Rain Forest, Arctic (Polar Region), Desert, Evergreen Forest, Freshwater Region, and Wetland. 

Save the Date

September 17-18 - Lower School Parent Teacher Conferences via Zoom

September 28 - Oct. 2 - Fall Break!!!

Friday, September 4, 2020

September 8th - 11th

Helpful Highlights


There is no school on Monday, Sept. 7th, in honor of Labor Day.  Hope you enjoy the long weekend!


Formal conferences will be held via Zoom on September 17th and 18th.  These will be half-days for students.  Carline will begin at 11:15.  Flipside will be available on these days.  Teachers sent out a Sign-Up Genius to your email for you to sign up for a time.  Be sure to sign up!  We are looking forward to meeting virtually with each of you!


Starting the first week of September, we wanted to let you know that words that are misspelled / not capitalized correctly, when there is a word bank or text provided, will be counted off -1 point, up to 5 points.  We encourage the students to check carefully and take pride in their work!


Remember to send a healthy snack and water with your students, each day.  That mid-morning snack and all-day hydration really keeps them focused, and their brains working at full speed!  Please send the water bottles filled up each morning so students are ready to start learning when they arrive.  Thanks so much!


First, a BIG THANK YOU for bringing those carline numbers!  It is SO helpful and makes carline run much faster.  

  • Great job on hanging carline numbers from the rear view mirror!

  • Great job on taking the card down AFTER your child has been loaded into your vehicle. This has helped us keep cars moving, because we know they are loaded!

    • We call a batch of about 15 numbers at a time and load those students.  Cars must not pull off, until all of that batch is loaded.  If one car moves, the others will follow and could result in injury to students and teachers still loading.  Always watch the STOP / SLOW signs, for the signal to move.

Keep up the good work!  We are all so pleased with how smoothly this has been going! 

Loving Learning

Right now, we are loving learning about:

Bible - How Sin Began and the Garden of Eden  

Phonics / Spelling - 

Spelling Focus:  Sound of /k/ at the end of a word spelled k,ck,ke

  • ck is at the end of a short vowel word.

  • k  is at the end of a word when a consonant or vowel team is before the /k/ sound.

  • ke is at the end of a long vowel word with a silent e.

Grammar / Creative Writing -  We will be wrapping up Chapter 2.  A review will come home on Tuesday for the test on Thursday!

Reading - We continue our first unit of Foundations & Frameworks.

  • Comprehension Focus:  Sequence of Events

  • Pattern Statement:  there is an order to how things happen; but, not everything that happens is important.

  • Visual Tool:  Flow Chart

  • SPECS Logs: Reader’s Response, Visual Tool, Reflection (Today, I learned…..)

  • Vocabulary:  nibble, cluck, scold, invent, boxcar, telegraph, patrol, clammy, clumsy, cranky

Math - We will be wrapping up Unit 1 and reviewing for the test!  A study guide will come home on Thursday, September 10th, and the test will be on Monday, September 14th.

Science - We begin our next unit by introducing the five classes of animals & characteristics of mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds & fish.

Save the Date

September 7 -  Labor Day - No school

September 8 - Pumpkin Book Report Information comes home in blue folders

September 17-18 - Lower School Parent Teacher Conferences via Zoom

September 28 - Oct. 2 - Fall Break!!!