Helpful Highlights
WOW!!! We are so proud of 2nd grade, for the AMAZING job they did on their Pumpkin Book Reports! All reports will be on display on hallway bulletin boards, beside your student’s classroom. We will post a picture on Seesaw for you to see!
HOMECOMING WEEK: October 26 - 30
Monday - Movie Character Monday
Tuesday - Twin Day Tuesday
Wednesday - Wild West Wednesday
Thursday - Through the Years Thursday
Friday - Extreme Blue and White Day
Normally, 2nd Grade takes some AWESOME Field Trips!!! Due to COVID, we are not allowed to go on any right now; so, we decided to do the second best thing and bring them to us!!! On December 4th, our second graders will have the opportunity to tour the Atlanta Botanical Gardens virtually. We will get to fall down the rabbit hole and into the Garden’s Alice’s Wonderland Reimagined exhibit. Students get to meet the main characters in this year’s show and get a behind the scenes look at how the giant plant sculptures were created. We also get to meet a few members of the Garden’s amphibian collection and study their adaptations and behaviors with the Garden’s knowledgeable Education Team. They will show us how they care for the animals and teach us about amphibians’ habitats, life cycles, and relationships with plants. It goes right along with our Science unit!!!
Normally, we have a big Pumpkin Party each year, invite parents, and celebrate together, as we view students’ Pumpkin Book Reports. Unfortunately, due to COVID, we have to do things differently this year; but, we still wanted to make it fun for students. This year, we will be celebrating with the students during the normal school day. On October 30th, we have a fun-filled day planned! Students will be doing pumpkin-themed activities all day long, enjoying special treats, playing games, and viewing their peers' book reports. We will be sure to post a lot on SeeSaw for parents to see!
Loving Learning
Right now, we are loving learning about:
Bible - We continue discussing the Burning Bush! Students will define the word, “holy,” by coming up with synonyms for that word. We will also locate Egypt, the desert, and Canaan on the map.
Phonics / Spelling
Spelling Focus: Long o sound spelled oa, o_e, o, & ow
Grammar / Creative Writing - We will wrap up Ch. 4 on Nouns and review for the test. A review will come home on Tuesday for the test on Thursday.
Reading - We continue our second unit of Foundations & Frameworks.
Comprehension Focus: Retelling
Pattern Statement: Oral restating requires organizing one’s thoughts.
Visual Tool: Flow Chart
SPECS Logs: Reader’s Response, Visual Tool, Reflection (Today, I learned…..)
Vocabulary: grooming, collide, soggy, tumbleweeds, canyon, souvenir, drooling, wick, whitecaps, muskrat
Math - We begin Unit 3. Students will solve an open response problem using their own fact strategies, write subtraction number stories and generate related addition and subtraction facts, as well as, generate fact families using related numbers on Fact Triangles.
Science - We have been learning about Life Cycles. So far, we have learned about the Butterfly Life Cycle and the Frog Life Cycle. This week, we will learn about the Life Cycle of a Chicken!
Save the Date
November 1 - Daylight Savings Time Ends (Clocks “Fall” back one hour)
November 2 - 3 - Professional Development Days (no school for students)
November 6 - End of Trimester 1
November 20 - Thanksgiving Parade
November 23 - 27 - Thanksgiving Break!