Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Weeks of Dec. 21 - Jan. 8

Helpful Highlights 


We wish all our second grade families a very Merry Christmas!  It is a blessing to teach your child about God’s greatest Gift each and every day!  We love to watch your children grow and look forward to the amazing things God has in store for us in 2021!  Please have a safe and wonderful Christmas Break!  Students will return on Tuesday, January 5th. 


Want a jump start?  The new verse will come home on Jan. 5th (or you can see it now at the top right of this page), and the next test will be the Friday after Christmas break.  Since that’s only a four day week (due to the 4th being a Teacher Workday), you may want to look ahead.  We will also email it to you on the 4th.  Our next verse will be 2 Corinthians 5:17!


Spelling words for List 16 will be emailed to you on Monday, January 4th, in case you want to get a jump start on studying that first week back from break.  We wanted you to have access to them, since that will only be a four day week.  As always, you can find them here at the top right of the blog.

Loving Learning

Right now, we are loving learning about:

Bible - We return to our study of The Life of Moses:  This week we begin learning about the First Nine Plagues.  

Phonics / Spelling 

Spelling Focus:  Ending Blends

Grammar / Creative Writing -  We will begin our Creative Writing Unit:  Friendly Letters.  This week we will discuss the purpose of friendly letters and begin the Planning Stage to write our own!

Reading - We will wrap up our third unit of Foundations & Frameworks:  Characterization.  A review will come home on January 5th and the Performance Task Test will be on January 7th.  

Comprehension Focus:  Character

  • Pattern Statement:  Appearance, actions, and words can reveal things about the character.

  • Visual Tool:  Bubble Map

  • SPECS Logs: Reader’s Response, Visual Tool, Reflection (Today, I learned…..)

  • Vocabulary: brier patch, madame, strict, recital, wilting, mail coach, clerk, dangerous, boil, gliding

Math - We will wrap up Unit 4.  A review will come home on Wednesday the 6th for the Test on Monday the 11th.

Science - This week we will wrap up our Unit on States of Matter.  A review will come home on Wednesday the 6th for the Test on Friday the 8th.

Save the Date

January 18 - MLK Jr. Holiday (No school)

February 3 - Planning Page Due for President Book Report

February 10 - President Book Report Due

February 11-15 - Winter Break!!!

February 24 - End of Trimester 2

Friday, December 11, 2020

Week of Dec. 14 - 18

                                                                     Helpful Highlights


On Wednesday, December 16th, Lower School will be having a fun Christmas themed day.  2nd Grade has chosen a “Candy Cane Christmas,” as our theme.  Students do not have to wear their uniforms that day.  Instead they need to wear red and/or white clothes.  This will be a regular school day; but, all activities will be based around this theme.  Lower School wanted to do a little extra something this week, to make it fun for the children as we head into the holidays.  There will be a portion of this theme day that we will be combining all 2nd Grade classes together for story time and a special singing.  Normally, we invite parents to join us during this fun time; however, due to COVID restrictions, we cannot this year.  We did come up with a close “second best” solution, though!  We will be sending out a Zoom link so you can join virtually!  Watch your emails for the link! 


On Friday, December 18th, Lower School will have their Christmas Program!  Students should wear dressy Christmas attire.  Below is an itinerary of the day:

8:00 - School Starts (regular morning routine in classrooms)

8:45 - Christmas Program Begins in Gym   

*This is a half-day so students may leave with parents after the program.


As the wintry weather is upon us, please have your child bring a coat or sweatshirt to school daily. Layers are especially needed in the mornings as students come into the building, at recess, walking to/from various specials, and during carline. 


Want a jump start?  The new verse will come home on Jan. 5th (or you can see it now at the top right of this page), and the next test will be the Friday after Christmas break.  Since that’s only a four day week (due to the 4th being a Teacher Workday), you may want to look ahead.  We will also email it to you on the 4th.  Our next verse will be 2 Corinthians 5:17!


Spelling words for List 16 will be emailed to you on Monday, January 4th, in case you want to get a jump start on studying that first week back from break.  We wanted you to have access to them, since that will only be a four day week.  As always, you can find them here at the top right of the blog.


We wish all our second grade families a very Merry Christmas!  It is a blessing to teach your child about God’s greatest Gift each and every day!  We love to watch your children grow and look forward to the amazing things God has in store for us in 2021!  Please have a safe and wonderful Christmas Break!  Students will return on Tuesday, January 5th. 

Loving Learning

Free illustration: Education, Learning, School - Free Image on ...Right now, we are loving learning about:

Bible - We continue the Christmas story with:  “Angels Bring Good News to the Shepherds,” “Wise Men Worship the King,” and wrap up with our final lesson on “The Flight into Egypt.”  

Phonics / Spelling 

Spelling Focus:  letter y as a vowel with sounds of 

                           short i, long i, and long e

Grammar / Creative Writing -  We will be reviewing Ch. 7 for our upcoming test.  We will review abbreviations, possessives, proper nouns, and capitalization rules.  A study guide will come home on Tuesday for the Test on Thursday.

Reading - We continue our third unit of Foundations & Frameworks:  Characterization  

Comprehension Focus:  Character

  • Pattern Statement:  Appearance, actions, and words can reveal things about the character.

  • Visual Tool:  Bubble Map

  • SPECS Logs: Reader’s Response, Visual Tool, Reflection (Today, I learned…..)

  • Vocabulary: brier patch, madame, strict, recital, wilting, mail coach, clerk, dangerous, boil, gliding

Math - We will continue working on measurements.  Students will use base-10 blocks to model addition and subtraction of multi-digit numbers, as well as show expanded notation.  They will measure objects with a foot-long foot, and be introduced to the inch & centimeter, as a standard unit of length.  

Science - This week we continue our States of Matter Unit.  We have some fun activities, like making “Ice Cream Floats,” to describe physical properties of matter & physical / chemical changes in matter. 

Save the Date

December 16 - Candy Cane Christmas (more details to come)

December 18 - LS Christmas Program (Half-day)

December 21 - January 4 - Christmas Break!!!

Friday, December 4, 2020

Week of December 7th - 11th

Helpful Highlights



It is time for the most anticipated PTF event of the year, Christmas Shoppe (located on campus).  Our students get to shop for special gifts for the special people on their list!  Gifts are wrapped by volunteers and ready to go under the tree.  Our visit to the Christmas Shoppe is on Thursday, December 10th.


On Wednesday, December 16th, Lower School will be having a fun Christmas themed day.  2nd Grade has chosen a “Candy Cane Christmas,” as our theme.  Students do not have to wear their uniforms that day.  Instead they need to wear red and/or white clothes.  This will be a regular school day; but, all activities will be based around this theme.  Lower School just wanted to do a little extra something this week, to make it fun for the children, as we head into the holidays.  There will be a portion of this theme day that we will be combining all 2nd Grade classes together for story time and a special singing. Normally, we invite parents to join us during this time; however, due to COVID restrictions, we cannot this year.  We did come up with a close “second best” solution, though!  We will be sending out a Zoom link so you can join virtually!  Watch your emails for the link! 


Each year, students in grades 1st-4th have the opportunity to compete in the ACSI Spelling Bee. The Spelling Bee encourages and develops good spelling habits and usage of words and vocabulary.  This year due to COVID, ACSI is having each school host their own spelling bee.  All materials, rules and processes will be followed as specified by ACSI.  The NCCS Lower School Spelling Bee will be hosted on our campus, on Friday, February 19, 2021.

CONGRATULATIONS to our Top 4 Spellers who will be moving on to compete in the NCCS Lower School Spelling Bee!!! 

Davis - Jonah Attard, Corban Baddock, Yanai McNeil, and Sydney Williams

Floresta - Brooks Cossick, Abby Deel, Anna Godfrey, Farryn Stoughton

Romine - Ella Becklean, Michael Rivera, Eli Strange, Elena Stubbs

Loving Learning

Free illustration: Education, Learning, School - Free Image on ...Right now, we are loving learning about:

Bible - How God Shows His Great Power!  We will discuss how God’s power is greater than Satan’s, and we’ll compare the character of God vs. Satan.  We will also begin the Christmas story.

Phonics / Spelling 

Spelling Focus:  consonant le syllable-

“Start at the e and count back 3; 1,2,3 divide” (divide the word before the consonant le.


Grammar / Creative Writing -  We continue our “More on Nouns” Unit.  This week’s topics include:  1) Abbreviations - identifying the abbreviations of streets and states in USA and applying abbreviations when addressing envelopes.  2) Possessive Nouns - Recognizing nouns that show ownership, using an apostrophe and an S to make nouns possessive, and writing possessive nouns correctly in a sentence.

Reading - We continue our third unit of Foundations & Frameworks:  Characterization  

Comprehension Focus:  Character

  • Pattern Statement:  Appearance, actions, and words can reveal things about the character.

  • Visual Tool:  Bubble Map

  • SPECS Logs: Reader’s Response, Visual Tool, Reflection (Today, I learned…..)

  • Vocabulary: brier patch, madame, strict, recital, wilting, mail coach, clerk, dangerous, boil, gliding

Math - We will continue Unit 4:  Telling Time - to 5 five minutes, half-hour, and quarter past.  

Science - This week we begin our States of Matter Unit, with a fun experiment and a class project using Fruit Loops to show what molecules look like in a solid, liquid, and gas!

Save the Date

December 16 - Candy Cane Christmas 

December 18 - LS Christmas Program (Half-day)

December 21 - January 4 - Christmas Break!!!


Friday, November 20, 2020

Week of November 30 - December 4

                            Helpful Highlights                                



There is no school Monday, November 23rd - Friday, November 27th, due to our Thanksgiving Holiday.  Enjoy the week off with your families, as we reflect on God and His goodness towards us.  We look forward to seeing everyone back in class on Monday, November 30th.  We are thankful for you and your families!

File:Atlanta Botanical Garden Orchid.JPG - Wikimedia CommonsVIRTUAL FIELD TRIP

Normally, 2nd Grade takes some AWESOME Field Trips!!!  Due to COVID, we are not allowed to go on any right now; so, we decided to do the second best thing and bring them to us!!!  On December 4th, our second graders will have the opportunity to tour the Atlanta Botanical Gardens virtually.  We will get to fall down the rabbit hole and into the Garden’s Alice’s Wonderland Reimagined exhibit.  Students get to meet the main characters in this year’s show and get a behind the scenes look at how the giant plant sculptures were created.  We also get to meet a few members of the Garden’s amphibian collection and study their adaptations and behaviors with the Garden’s knowledgeable Education Team.  They will show us how they care for the animals and teach us about amphibians’ habitats, life cycles, and relationships with plants.  It goes right along with our Science unit!!!


Each year, students in grades 1st-4th have the opportunity to compete in the ACSI Spelling Bee. The Spelling Bee encourages and develops good spelling habits and usage of words and vocabulary.  This year due to COVID, ACSI is having each school host their own spelling bee.  All materials, rules and processes will be followed as specified by ACSI.  The NCCS Lower School Spelling Bee will be hosted on our campus, on Friday, February 19, 2021.

Each class will hold two in-class spell-offs, that all students will participate in, to determine who will represent their class in the Spelling Bee.  All classroom spell-offs will begin with the easy list and continue through average and possibly difficult.  The top two spellers from each spell off will advance to the final spelling bee.  To begin preparations for your classroom spell-offs, students can study and practice the designated word list for their grade level.  We encourage them to try their best!  Second grade classroom spell-offs will be held:

Thursday, November 19th 

Thursday, December 3rd

The top 4 spellers from each class will advance and compete in the Final NCCS LS Spelling Bee on Friday, February 19, 2021.  Parents of these super spellers will be invited to attend the Spelling Bee event in the NCCS school gym.  An award ceremony will immediately follow the Spelling Bee.

God has created each student with different talents and abilities that they can use for His glory! The Spelling Bee gives students an opportunity to show their talents! If you have any questions, please email your child’s teacher. 


It is time for the most anticipated PTF event of the year, Christmas Shoppe (located on campus).  Our students get to shop for special gifts for the special people on their list!  Gifts are wrapped by volunteers and ready to go under the tree.  Our visit to the Christmas Shoppe is on Thursday, December 10th.


On Wednesday, December 16th, Lower School will be having a fun Christmas themed day.  2nd Grade has chosen a “Candy Cane Christmas,” as our theme.  Students do not have to wear their uniforms that day.  Instead they need to wear red and/or white clothes (no pajamas).  This will be a regular school day; but, all activities will be based around this theme.  This is not an official party; but, Lower School just wanted to do a little extra something this week, to make it fun for the children; so, we added this theme day.  There will be a portion of this theme day that we will be combining all 2nd Grade classes together for story time and a special singing, with Miss Davis’ family. 

Loving Learning

Free illustration: Education, Learning, School - Free Image on ...Right now, we are loving learning about:

Bible - How God prepared a leader through Moses.  This week we will learn about Moses' great responsibility and how God prepared him for it.  We will also discuss the character trait of “responsibility.”

Phonics / Spelling 

Spelling Focus:  sound of /ow/ spelled ou or ow

Grammar / Creative Writing -  We will start our Unit:  “More on Nouns.”  Topics this week will include:  Capitalizing Proper Nouns and Abbreviations of Days, Months, and Titles of People.

Reading - We continue our third unit of Foundations & Frameworks:  Characterization  

Comprehension Focus:  Character

  • Pattern Statement:  Appearance, actions, and words can reveal things about the character.

  • Visual Tool:  Bubble Map

  • SPECS Logs: Reader’s Response, Visual Tool, Reflection (Today, I learned…..)

  • Vocabulary: brier patch, madame, strict, recital, wilting, mail coach, clerk, dangerous, boil, gliding

Math - We continue Unit 4:  Time and Measurement - students will learn to tell time to the nearest hour, half hour, and 5 minutes.  They will also tell time using A.M. and P.M.  We will be discussing place value and representing 3-digit numbers using base-10 blocks and expanded form, as well. 

Science - We will be reviewing for our “What Changes the World Around Us?” Test.  A review will come home on Tuesday for the Test on Thursday.

Save the Date

December 3 - In-Class Spelling Bee #2

December 4 - Virtual Field Trip (Atlanta Botanical Gardens)

December 10 - Christmas Shoppe

December 16 - Candy Cane Christmas (more details to come)

December 18 - LS Christmas Program (Half-day)

December 21 - January 4 - Christmas Break!!!

Friday, November 13, 2020

Week of Nov. 16 - 20

Helpful Highlights


On Friday, November 20th, Lower School will be hosting our NCCS Thanksgiving STEAM Parade! Each grade is working hard on their STEAM challenges. Parents … grab your lawn chairs and plan to line the street to watch our floats, balloons, artwork, instruments and so much MORE! Yummy pies will be served after our parade!


Report Cards will come home in Friday Folders on November 13th!  Please follow this checklist, after reviewing your student’s accomplishments!

  • Sign the copy and return to school in blue homework folder

  • Keep the original

  • Keep awards

File:Atlanta Botanical Garden Orchid.JPG - Wikimedia CommonsVIRTUAL FIELD TRIP

Normally, 2nd Grade takes some AWESOME Field Trips!!!  Due to COVID, we are not allowed to go on any right now; so, we decided to do the second best thing and bring them to us!!!  On December 4th, our second graders will have the opportunity to tour the Atlanta Botanical Gardens virtually.  We will get to fall down the rabbit hole and into the Garden’s Alice’s Wonderland Reimagined exhibit.  Students get to meet the main characters in this year’s show and get a behind the scenes look at how the giant plant sculptures were created.  We also get to meet a few members of the Garden’s amphibian collection and study their adaptations and behaviors with the Garden’s knowledgeable Education Team.  They will show us how they care for the animals and teach us about amphibians’ habitats, life cycles, and relationships with plants.  It goes right along with our Science unit!!!


Each year, students in grades 1st-4th have the opportunity to compete in the ACSI Spelling Bee. The Spelling Bee encourages and develops good spelling habits and usage of words and vocabulary.  This year due to COVID, ACSI is having each school host their own spelling bee.  All materials, rules and processes will be followed as specified by ACSI.  The NCCS Lower School Spelling Bee will be hosted on our campus, on Friday, February 19, 2021.

Each class will hold two in-class spell-offs, that all students will participate in, to determine who will represent their class in the Spelling Bee.  All classroom spell-offs will begin with the easy list and continue through average and possibly difficult.  The top two spellers from each spell off will advance to the final spelling bee.  To begin preparations for your classroom spell-offs, students can study and practice the designated word list for their grade level.  We encourage them to try their best!  Second grade classroom spell-offs will be held:

Thursday, November 19th 

Thursday, December 3rd

The top 4 spellers from each class will advance and compete in the Final NCCS LS Spelling Bee on Friday, February 19, 2021.  Parents of these super spellers will be invited to attend the Spelling Bee event in the NCCS school gym.  An award ceremony will immediately follow the Spelling Bee.

God has created each student with different talents and abilities that they can use for His glory! The Spelling Bee gives students an opportunity to show their talents! If you have any questions, please email your child’s teacher. 


There is no school Monday, November 23rd - Friday, November 27th, due to our Thanksgiving Holiday.  Enjoy the week off with your families, as we reflect on God and His goodness towards us.  We look forward to seeing everyone back in class on Monday, November 30th.  We are thankful for you and your families!

Loving Learning

Free illustration: Education, Learning, School - Free Image on ...Right now, we are loving learning about:

Bible - How God prepared a leader through Moses:  This week we will learn about the Contest with Pharaoh.

Phonics / Spelling 

Spelling Focus:  Bossy r - er, ir, ur

Grammar / Creative Writing - We will wrap up our Unit on Verbs.  A review will come home on Tuesday for the test on Thursday.

Reading - We begin our third unit of Foundations & Frameworks:  Characterization  

Comprehension Focus:  Character

  • Pattern Statement:  Appearance, actions, and words can reveal things about the character.

  • Visual Tool:  Bubble Map

  • SPECS Logs: Reader’s Response, Visual Tool, Reflection (Today, I learned…..)

  • Vocabulary: brier patch, madame, strict, recital, wilting, mail coach, clerk, dangerous, boil, gliding

Math - We wrap up Unit 3.  A review will come home on Monday for the test on Wednesday.

On Thursday, we will begin Unit 4, in which students will tell time to the nearest hour, half hour, and 5 minutes.


Science - We will be discussing:  Environmental Changes- How does the earth change through time and/or natural disasters

Save the Date

November 19 - In-Class Spelling Bee #1

November 20 - Thanksgiving Parade

November 23 - 27 - Thanksgiving Break!

December 3 - In-Class Spelling Bee #2

December 4 - Virtual Field Trip (Atlanta Botanical Gardens)

December 16 - Candy Cane Christmas (more details to come)

December 18 - LS Christmas Program (Half-day)

December 21 - January 4 - Christmas Break!!!