Friday, December 11, 2020

Week of Dec. 14 - 18

                                                                     Helpful Highlights


On Wednesday, December 16th, Lower School will be having a fun Christmas themed day.  2nd Grade has chosen a “Candy Cane Christmas,” as our theme.  Students do not have to wear their uniforms that day.  Instead they need to wear red and/or white clothes.  This will be a regular school day; but, all activities will be based around this theme.  Lower School wanted to do a little extra something this week, to make it fun for the children as we head into the holidays.  There will be a portion of this theme day that we will be combining all 2nd Grade classes together for story time and a special singing.  Normally, we invite parents to join us during this fun time; however, due to COVID restrictions, we cannot this year.  We did come up with a close “second best” solution, though!  We will be sending out a Zoom link so you can join virtually!  Watch your emails for the link! 


On Friday, December 18th, Lower School will have their Christmas Program!  Students should wear dressy Christmas attire.  Below is an itinerary of the day:

8:00 - School Starts (regular morning routine in classrooms)

8:45 - Christmas Program Begins in Gym   

*This is a half-day so students may leave with parents after the program.


As the wintry weather is upon us, please have your child bring a coat or sweatshirt to school daily. Layers are especially needed in the mornings as students come into the building, at recess, walking to/from various specials, and during carline. 


Want a jump start?  The new verse will come home on Jan. 5th (or you can see it now at the top right of this page), and the next test will be the Friday after Christmas break.  Since that’s only a four day week (due to the 4th being a Teacher Workday), you may want to look ahead.  We will also email it to you on the 4th.  Our next verse will be 2 Corinthians 5:17!


Spelling words for List 16 will be emailed to you on Monday, January 4th, in case you want to get a jump start on studying that first week back from break.  We wanted you to have access to them, since that will only be a four day week.  As always, you can find them here at the top right of the blog.


We wish all our second grade families a very Merry Christmas!  It is a blessing to teach your child about God’s greatest Gift each and every day!  We love to watch your children grow and look forward to the amazing things God has in store for us in 2021!  Please have a safe and wonderful Christmas Break!  Students will return on Tuesday, January 5th. 

Loving Learning

Free illustration: Education, Learning, School - Free Image on ...Right now, we are loving learning about:

Bible - We continue the Christmas story with:  “Angels Bring Good News to the Shepherds,” “Wise Men Worship the King,” and wrap up with our final lesson on “The Flight into Egypt.”  

Phonics / Spelling 

Spelling Focus:  letter y as a vowel with sounds of 

                           short i, long i, and long e

Grammar / Creative Writing -  We will be reviewing Ch. 7 for our upcoming test.  We will review abbreviations, possessives, proper nouns, and capitalization rules.  A study guide will come home on Tuesday for the Test on Thursday.

Reading - We continue our third unit of Foundations & Frameworks:  Characterization  

Comprehension Focus:  Character

  • Pattern Statement:  Appearance, actions, and words can reveal things about the character.

  • Visual Tool:  Bubble Map

  • SPECS Logs: Reader’s Response, Visual Tool, Reflection (Today, I learned…..)

  • Vocabulary: brier patch, madame, strict, recital, wilting, mail coach, clerk, dangerous, boil, gliding

Math - We will continue working on measurements.  Students will use base-10 blocks to model addition and subtraction of multi-digit numbers, as well as show expanded notation.  They will measure objects with a foot-long foot, and be introduced to the inch & centimeter, as a standard unit of length.  

Science - This week we continue our States of Matter Unit.  We have some fun activities, like making “Ice Cream Floats,” to describe physical properties of matter & physical / chemical changes in matter. 

Save the Date

December 16 - Candy Cane Christmas (more details to come)

December 18 - LS Christmas Program (Half-day)

December 21 - January 4 - Christmas Break!!!