Friday, February 26, 2021

Week of March 1st - 5th!

 Helpful Highlights


February 24th marked the end of Trimester 2.  We look forward to starting Trimester 3, and finishing the year strong!  Report Cards will come home in Friday Folders on March 5th!  Please follow this checklist, after reviewing your student’s accomplishments!

  • Sign the copy and return to school in blue homework folder

  • Keep the original

  • Keep awards

Loving Learning

Right now, we are loving learning about:

Bible - The Life of Moses Series:  The Israelites have begun grumbling.  We will learn the stories, “God Gives Meat and Manna,” and “Mt. Sinai.”  We will also discuss the importance of being thankful for God’s blessings on us, instead of complaining.

Phonics / Spelling

Spelling Focus:   oi is usually in the middle  of a word   oy is usually at the end of a word.

Examples: coin, boy

Grammar / Creative Writing -  We will be reviewing for the Ch. 9 Test on “More Verbs.”  A review will come home on Monday for the test on Wednesday.

Reading - This week we begin Unit 6:  Main Idea.  

  • Comprehension Focus:  Main Idea

  • Pattern Statement:  Something large can be supported or held up by enough smaller things.

  • Visual Tool:  Idea Framework

  • SPECS Logs:  Reader’s Response, Visual Tool, Reflection (Today, I learned…..)

  • Vocabulary:  lifeboats, nectar, termite, steward, drones, predator, stern, bow

Math - We will continue Unit 6:  Whole Number Operations and Number Stories.  This week students will compare strategies and revise their work.  They will also build arrays on geoboards, measure and compare lengths, and create shapes.  As we wrap us this chapter, a review will come home on Thursday for the test on Tuesday, March 9th.

Social Studies - We continue our study of Georgia’s Past.  This week students will “PICK A FOUNDER.”  They will pick a GA founder (Musgrove, Oglethorpe, Tomochichi) and color/decorate anyway they like; then, write 3-5 facts about their person. 

Save the Date

April 2 - No School - Good Friday!

April 5-9 - No School - Spring Break!

April 19-23 - IOWA Testing Week

Friday, February 19, 2021

Week of Feb. 22 - 26

Helpful Highlights


February 24th marks the end of Trimester 2.  Report cards will 

be coming home in Friday Folders on March 5th.  We look forward to starting Trimester 3, and finishing the year strong!


In order to wrap up winter sports and kick off spring sports with a bang, we are going to have a spirit week, February 22 - 26.

Monday, February 22 - Cozy Clothes Monday

Tuesday, February 23 - Salad Dressing Day

Dress like your favorite salad dressing: Ranch (Cowboy), Caesar (togas and sandals), Thousand Island (Caribbean/Hawaiian), Blue Cheese (Blue), French (berets and fashionable clothes), House Dressing (school colors).

Wednesday, February 24 - Winter Sports Wednesday

Thursday, February 25 - Through the Decades Thursday 

Friday, February 26 - Flannel Friday

Loving Learning

Right now, we are loving learning about:

Bible - The Life of Moses Series:  The Israelites have now crossed the Red Sea, and must remember what God has done for them, as they face the bitter waters of Marah.

Phonics / Spelling 

Spelling Focus:  Sound of au & aw as in faucet & saw

Au is usually spelled in the beginning or middle of a syllable. 

Aw is usually at the end of the syllable or when followed by a single l or n.

Grammar / Creative WritingWe will continue Ch. 9:  More Verbs.  This week’s topics include:  1) Contractions - defining, writing, and using apostrophes.  2) Adverbs:  How? and Where? - defining, locating, and using in sentences.

Reading - Unit 5:  Summarization - This week we complete Unit 5:  Review sheet comes home on Monday and test is Wednesday.

  • Comprehension Focus:  Summarization

  • Pattern Statement:  Essential information can be organized and restated concisely and coherently.

  • Visual Tool:  Summary Steps

  • SPECS Logs:  Reader’s Response, Visual Tool, Reflection (Today, I learned…..)

  • Vocabulary:  auction, gleaming, ordinary, hayloft, deserve, mill, orchard, snarls, abandoned, thieves

Math - We will continue Unit 6:  Whole Number Operations and Number Stories.  This week students will solve two-step number stories, make ballpark estimates and invent and record their own strategies for solving addition problems, plus use base-10 blocks to find partial sums and build readiness for partial-sums addition.

Social Studies - We continue our study of Georgia’s Past.  We will be filling in our “All About” sheets for Mary Musgrove, Tomochichi, and James Oglethorpe.

Save the Date

April 2 - No School - Good Friday!

April 5-9 - No School - Spring Break!

April 19-23 - IOWA Testing Week

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Week of Feb. 16 - 19!

                                                                 Helpful Highlights


We hope you enjoy your Winter Break (Thursday, Feb. 11 - Monday Feb. 15)!  Classes will resume on Tuesday, Feb. 16th.


Open ...WOW!!!  Way to go 2nd Grade!  The book reports are amazing!  Thank you for all of the hard work you have put into these!  We are very proud of you!  They look great on display on our bulletin boards!


February 24th marks the end of Trimester 2.  Report cards will 

be coming home in Friday Folders on March 5th.  We look forward to starting Trimester 3, and finishing the year strong!

Loving Learning

Right now, we are loving learning about:

Bible - The Life of Moses Series:  We will focus this week on “Pharaoh’s Army Destroyed.”  Also, just as God cared about the Israelites, He cares about us (even the little things).

Phonics / Spelling 

Spelling Focus:  /ge/ and /dge/

Use ge right after a consonant or long vowel sound.  Ex:  page

Use dge right after a short vowel sound.  Ex:  judge

Grammar / Creative Writing -  We will continue Ch. 9:  More Verbs.  This week we will be distinguishing between linking verbs (is, are, was, were) and action verbs.

Reading - Unit 5:  Summarization

  • Comprehension Focus:  Summarization

  • Pattern Statement:  Essential information can be organized and restated concisely and coherently.

  • Visual Tool:  Summary Steps

  • SPECS Logs:  Reader’s Response, Visual Tool, Reflection (Today, I learned…..)

  • Vocabulary:  auction, gleaming, ordinary, hayloft, deserve, mill, orchard, snarls, abandoned, thieves

Math - We will continue Unit 6:  Whole Number Operations and Number Stories.  This week students will choose diagrams to use for solving number stories, and solve animal number stories.

Social Studies - This week we continue to learn more about Georgia’s Past, as we dig deeper into the life of the Creek Indians, discuss the start of the 13 colonies, and look at 3 important figures in Georgia - James Oglethorpe, Tomochichi, and Mary Musgrove.

Save the Date

February 24 - End of Trimester 2

April 2 - No School - Good Friday!

April 5-9 - No School - Spring Break!

April 19-23 - IOWA Testing Week

Friday, February 5, 2021

Week of February 8-12

Open ...

Helpful Highlights


Remember - the President Book Report is due Wednesday, February 10th! We are SO excited to see all of the finished products!!!


Second graders will have their Valentine’s Day Exchange on Wednesday, February 10th in their classrooms! Students will decorate a bag or box at home and bring it to class on this day. Students may bring Valentine cards for their classmates as long as they bring one for every student. A class list came home in blue folders on January 27th.  Also, PTF is providing cookies for the children to decorate in class!  Students may wear red and pink on this day, instead of their uniforms, if they would like to!


We hope you enjoy your Winter Break (Thursday, Feb. 11 - Monday Feb. 15)!  Classes will resume on Tuesday, Feb. 16th.


February 24th marks the end of Trimester 2.  Report cards will 

be coming home in Friday Folders on March 5th.  We look forward to starting Trimester 3, and finishing the year strong!

Loving Learning

Bible - The Life of Moses Series:  We will focus this week on “Pharaoh Changes His Mind,” and discuss the 2 meanings of fear:  being afraid and respect for God.

Phonics / Spelling 

Spelling Focus:  /ge/ and /dge/

Use ge right after a consonant or long vowel sound.  Ex:  page

Use dge right after a short vowel sound.  Ex:  judge

Grammar / Creative Writing -  We will be reviewing for the Ch. 8 Test on Pronouns.  The test is Tuesday, Feb. 9th.  Next, we will begin Ch. 9:  More Verbs.  Topics this week will include:  1) Helping Verbs (has / have) being used with action words - run and come.  2) Helping Verbs (has / have) being used with irregular verbs - gone and seen. 

Reading - Unit 5:  Summarization

  • Comprehension Focus:  Summarization

  • Pattern Statement:  Essential information can be organized and restated concisely and coherently.

  • Visual Tool:  Summary Steps

  • SPECS Logs:  Reader’s Response, Visual Tool, Reflection (Today, I learned…..)

  • Vocabulary:  auction, gleaming, ordinary, hayloft, deserve, mill, orchard, snarls, abandoned, thieves

Math - We will start off the week with the Unit 5 Test on Monday, Feb. 8th.  Next, we’ll begin Unit 6:  Whole Number Operations and Number Stories.  This week students will draw picture graphs and bar graphs to represent a data set, as well as solve comparison number stories.

Social Studies - We continue our study of Georgia’s Past, focusing on the Creek Indians.  Students will compare the way the Creeks lived to how we live today. 

Save the Date

February 10 - President Book Report Due & Valentine Exchange

February 11-15 - Winter Break!!!

February 24 - End of Trimester 2