Helpful Highlights
February 24th marks the end of Trimester 2. Report cards will
be coming home in Friday Folders on March 5th. We look forward to starting Trimester 3, and finishing the year strong!
In order to wrap up winter sports and kick off spring sports with a bang, we are going to have a spirit week, February 22 - 26.
Monday, February 22 - Cozy Clothes Monday
Tuesday, February 23 - Salad Dressing Day
Dress like your favorite salad dressing: Ranch (Cowboy), Caesar (togas and sandals), Thousand Island (Caribbean/Hawaiian), Blue Cheese (Blue), French (berets and fashionable clothes), House Dressing (school colors).
Wednesday, February 24 - Winter Sports Wednesday
Thursday, February 25 - Through the Decades Thursday
Friday, February 26 - Flannel Friday
Loving Learning
Right now, we are loving learning about:
Bible - The Life of Moses Series: The Israelites have now crossed the Red Sea, and must remember what God has done for them, as they face the bitter waters of Marah.
Phonics / Spelling
Spelling Focus: Sound of au & aw as in faucet & saw
Au is usually spelled in the beginning or middle of a syllable.
Aw is usually at the end of the syllable or when followed by a single l or n.
Grammar / Creative Writing - We will continue Ch. 9: More Verbs. This week’s topics include: 1) Contractions - defining, writing, and using apostrophes. 2) Adverbs: How? and Where? - defining, locating, and using in sentences.
Reading - Unit 5: Summarization - This week we complete Unit 5: Review sheet comes home on Monday and test is Wednesday.
Comprehension Focus: Summarization
Pattern Statement: Essential information can be organized and restated concisely and coherently.
Visual Tool: Summary Steps
SPECS Logs: Reader’s Response, Visual Tool, Reflection (Today, I learned…..)
Vocabulary: auction, gleaming, ordinary, hayloft, deserve, mill, orchard, snarls, abandoned, thieves
Math - We will continue Unit 6: Whole Number Operations and Number Stories. This week students will solve two-step number stories, make ballpark estimates and invent and record their own strategies for solving addition problems, plus use base-10 blocks to find partial sums and build readiness for partial-sums addition.
Social Studies - We continue our study of Georgia’s Past. We will be filling in our “All About” sheets for Mary Musgrove, Tomochichi, and James Oglethorpe.
Save the Date
April 2 - No School - Good Friday!
April 5-9 - No School - Spring Break!
April 19-23 - IOWA Testing Week