Friday, April 16, 2021

Week of April 19 - 23

 Helpful Highlights


Details for our last book report came home in blue folders on March 25th. Students will be reading one nonfiction book about an animal of their choice.  Your child may choose an appropriate level book for them from the Reading Room, local library, Raz Kids, or They will then plan, write, and design a hanger that displays the main idea and supporting details of the book.  The final project is due by April 30th



We began taking Bible Verse tests with no word bank this week.  Words WILL NOT be marked wrong for misspellings; however, the missing words must be close to the correct spelling. 


Testing is April 19-23. Students will take the Iowa & CogAT Assessments. The IOWA test will assess their progress on grade level objectives covered throughout the year. The CogAT will assess their reasoning abilities. This includes verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and nonverbal reasoning. This testing is not something for which students should study.  

For testing week, parents can help their child by: 

1. Getting a good night of rest and arriving at school on time.
2. Eating a healthy breakfast.
3. Sending a healthy snack and water.

During testing week, there will be no homework, no additional tests / quizzes, and very light academics.


All Lower School will be singing in our Pops in the Park concert!  Bring your blankets or lawn chairs and enjoy dinner on the lawn while our students sing in this spectacular open-air event.  Our K3 - K5 will be presenting a Barnyard Moosical, while our 1st - 4th graders will be singing ‘POP’ular movie songs like You Got a Friend in Me from Toy Story! Joyful Voices will be singing two special songs.

Location | NCCS Softball Field

Date | Friday, April 30, 2021

Time | Tentative Schedule 

5:30 - Families can begin arriving to set up blankets and chairs and enjoy a picnic dinner. Bring a picnic with you or purchase food from PTF, who will be offering food options. (More details to follow!) 

Approx. 6:10 - K3 - K5 students meet

6:30 - K3 - K5 students & Joyful Voices perform

7:00 -  Intermission & 1st - 4th grade students meet

7:20 -  1st - 4th grade students & Joyful Voices

8:00 - End 

Loving Learning

Right now, we are loving learning about:

Bible - The Tabernacle:  A Place of Worship.  We will learn about the Outer Court, the Holy Place, and the Holy of Holies.

Phonics / Spelling -  IOWA Testing only

Grammar / Creative Writing -  IOWA Testing only

Reading - This week we will do a Reader’s Theatre with Cause and Effect.  

  • Comprehension Focus:  Cause and Effect

  • Pattern Statement:  One thing can make another thing happen.

  • Visual Tool:  Flow Chart

  • SPECS Logs:  Reader’s Response, Visual Tool, Reflection (Today, I learned…..)

  • Vocabulary:  aeronaut, waded, carriage, acrobats, express train, crouch, jolt, piglets, aloft, altimeter

Math - IOWA Testing with a light introduction to Unit 8:  Geometry & Arrays

Social Studies - IOWA Testing only

Save the Date

April 19-23 - IOWA Testing Week

April 30 - Pops in Park 

May 7- Half Day of School for Teacher Appreciation

May 25 - Last Day of School for K3-2nd grade