Helpful Highlights
Parents, thank you for encouraging your child this week to do their best during testing, providing a good breakfast, and getting students to school on time. We could not have done it without your help! Students did a great job each day, and we are so proud of them!
Details for our last book report came home in blue folders on March 25th. Students will be reading one nonfiction book about an animal of their choice. Your child may choose an appropriate level book for them from the Reading Room, local library, Raz Kids, or They will then plan, write, and design a hanger that displays the main idea and supporting details of the book. The final project is due by April 30th.
We are now taking Bible Verse tests with no word bank. Words WILL NOT be marked wrong for misspellings; however, the missing words must be close to the correct spelling.
All Lower School will be singing in our Pops in the Park concert! Bring your blankets or lawn chairs and enjoy dinner on the lawn while our students sing in this spectacular open-air event. Our K3 - K5 will be presenting a Barnyard Moosical, while our 1st - 4th graders will be singing ‘POP’ular movie songs like You Got a Friend in Me from Toy Story! Joyful Voices will be singing two special songs.
Location | NCCS Softball Field
Date | Friday, April 30, 2021
Time | Schedule
5:00 | Food Trucks
Families can begin arriving to set up blankets and chairs and enjoy a picnic dinner. Bring a picnic with you or purchase food from The Patty Wagon or The Mule House.
6:10 | K3 - K5 students check in at Pavilion
6:20 | Walk students from Pavilion to stage
6:30 | Barnyard Moosical (K3 - K5)
Joyful Voices
7:00 | Intermission
7:10 | 1st - 4th students check in at Pavilion
7:20 | 1st - 4th performance
Closing | PTF wrap-up | Auction Basket Winners!
8:15 | Conclusion
Loving Learning
Right now, we are loving learning about:
Bible - We will review “The Tabernacle;” then, we’ll begin our study of the last part of Moses’ life, as the Israelites’ journey nears the Promised Land. Our lessons will include: Journey to Kadesh-Barnea, The Twelve Spies, The Rebellion of Korah, Moses Strikes the Rock, and The Serpent of Brass.
Phonics / Spelling - The 3 sounds of ed: /ed/, /d/, /t/. Examples: /ed/ as in wanted, /d/ as in played, /t/ as in watched
Grammar / Creative Writing - We will begin our last writing unit: Persuasive Writing. This week will be in the Planning Stage. We have a very FUN and TASTY format to learn persuasive writing...OREO writing!!! O - state your opinion, R - give 3 reasons to support your opinion, E - explain why the reader should get on board with your opinion, O - restate your opinion.
Reading - This week we will continue Unit 7: Cause and Effect.
Comprehension Focus: Cause and Effect
Pattern Statement: One thing can make another thing happen.
Visual Tool: Flow Chart
SPECS Logs: Reader’s Response, Visual Tool, Reflection (Today, I learned…..)
Vocabulary: aeronaut, waded, carriage, acrobats, express train, crouch, jolt, piglets, aloft, altimeter
Math - We will continue Unit 8: Geometry and Arrays. This week students will describe the attributes of 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional shapes, build and compare various polygons, draw quadrilaterals with given attributes, and partition rectangles into same-size squares.
Social Studies - We will be wrapping up our Unit on Georgia’s Places, as we review regions, continents, and oceans. A review will come home on Thursday, for the test on Tuesday, May 4th.
Save the Date
April 30 - Pops in Park
May 7- Half Day of School for Teacher Appreciation - Dismissal 11:15
May 25 - Last Day of School for K3-2nd grade